is an ancient modality of medicine practiced by indigenous cultures throughout our history on this planet. This form of healing involves a “prayerful intersession” on behalf of the client to clear negative images, unhealthy beliefs and destructive cellular memories that block and stagnate vital energy resulting in a variety of symptoms ranging in form from depression to chronic illness. Shamanic Healing is a form of healing similar in some respects to the Japanese art/touch of “Reiki” and often involves breath work between the client and practitioner in a prayerful setting.
The particular approach I offer was developed and taught by Dr. Alberto Villoldo (thru a two-year curriculum) in his “Healing / Light Body” School. Central to this curriculum lies the acknowledgment and belief that there exists a luminous field both surrounding and emanating from the physical body which carries within it information in the form maps or blueprints. These maps serve to inform our mental and emotional bodies which then in turn inform our physical bodies, literally manifesting the events, conditions and relationships that shape our lives. In many cases, we find ourselves repeating patterns and cycles of dysfunction that tend to follow us through the different jobs, relationships, events and circumstances of our lives. Following this analogy, the Shaman seeks to track unwanted symptoms backward through their expression to their source as “imprints” within one’s luminous field. Thus, while the physician works on relieving physical disease in the body, and the psychologist deals with emotional and psychological disease within the mind, the Shaman seeks to clear energetic disturbances/imbalances that exist within the luminous field. This is the ideology inherent in this modality of healing and while such concepts currently remain outside the scope of mainstream western medicine, the successful use and efficacy of such practices remains alive largely based upon the numbers of credible testimony of those whom it has helped.
While we have grown accustomed to placing much of our belief in the power of a pill, many are becoming aware that such intervention is merely treating symptoms of disease while the root of the problem remains untouched; that perhaps various issues present themselves to us as a means of communication and an attempt to signal that something is off and out of balance. Following this analogy, our ultimate sense of well being is intimately tied to our own soul’s blueprint and mission for us in this lifetime.
When initially approaching this work, though intensely drawn to its ideology and tenants, I was skeptical that such a system could be taught, believing instead that this healing ability was a ultimately a gift that one was either born with, or not. Only later did I come to see directly that the basis of this healing is really a form of prayer; and as a form of prayer its efficacy is not so much constrained by the skill sets of the practitioner, but rather by the ability of the healer / intercessor to effectively become a clear conduit and thus get himself / herself out of the way such that something else can come thru; something not limited to our own understanding. And so be it!
(Rev. David Kin)